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- Baca Rodarte, José L...
- Borunda Escobedo, Ru...
- Clare, Cassandra
- James, E. L.
- Library of Congress
- Lugo Vélez, José Alb...
- Martin, George R.R.
- Martínez Ruiz, Jesús...
- Maxwell, John C.
- Meyer, Stephenie
- Microsoft Corporatio...
- Organización Panamer...
- Ortega Rivas, Enriqu...
- Ramírez Cereceres, J...
- Reece, Jane B.
- Rodríguez Bordallo, ...
- Shakespeare, William
- Simon, Eric J.
- Vardanyan, Gohar
- Velázquez Valadez, J...
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Bibliotecas depositarias
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Tipos de ítem
- A Song of Ice and Fi...
- Barnes & Noble Shake...
- Beautiful Creatures
- Colección Larsen
- ESL & Applied Lingui...
- Fifty Shades Trilogy
- Haworth Series in In...
- Key Ideas
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- National Bureau of E...
- Publicación Científi...
- Serie PALTEX Salud y...
- The Hunger Games Tri...
- The Infernal Devices
- The Mortal Instrumen...
- The romance collecti...
- The vocal library
- The Walking Dead
- Wiley Series in Prob...
- Woodhead Publishing ...
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