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  • Martín Reyes, Javier

Martín Reyes, Javier (Nombre personal)

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  • Reyes, Javier Martín

Informe general 2017, ©2017: page 2 of cover (investigador Javier Martín Reyes)

Repensar el tribunal electoral: propuestas para su reforma, 2022: page 299 (Javier Martin Reyes. Law degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Political Science and International Relations degree from the Center for Economic Research and Teaching, Master's degree from Columbia University, New York, and Doctor of Law from the Institute of Legal Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, of which he is currently a researcher)

UNAM. Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, vía WWW March 21, 2023: Javier Martín reyes. He is the author of the book Reform in Daily Justice (FCE, 2018), co-author of La República laica y sus libertades. The reform of articles 24 and 40 of the Constitution (IIJ-UNAM, 2015) and coordinator of Neither court nor electoral (IIJ-UNAM / CIDE, 2021). He has taught Constitutional Law, Human Rights, Constitutional Argumentation, Electoral Institutions, Logic, Norm Analysis and Legal Argumentation. Her lines of research are related to constitutional law, legal interpretation and argumentation, the teaching of law, electoral justice, secularism and empirical legal studies. Topics of interest: Constitutional law, electoral law, legal argumentation, human rights, adjudication methodologies, theory of law, judicial policy, empirical legal studies, secularism and religious freedom, teaching of law)