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  • Rea Gómez, Daniela

Rea Gómez, Daniela (Nombre personal)

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  • Gómez, Daniela Rea
  • Rea, Daniela

Entre las cenizas, 2012: t.p. (Daniela Rea Gómez) cover (Daniela Rea) p. 218 (began her journalistic activities in Veracruz, where she wrote on indigenous and migratory topics and on the daily life of the port; arrived in Mexico City in 2005; has worked since that year for the newspaper Reforma, covering poverty, human rights, social conflicts and the social impact of violence; founding member of the Red de Periodistas de a Pie)

Rea Gómez, Daniela. Nadie les pidió perdón, 2015: title page (Daniela Rea) flap cover (Daniela Rea, Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexcio, 1982)