- Lorde, Audre
Lorde, Audre (Nombre personal)
From a land where other people live, 1973: t.p. (Audre Lorde)
Contemp. lesbian writers of the US, 1993: p. 316 (Audre Lorde, born in New York City, February 18, 1934; master of library science, Columbia University, 1961; married Edwin A. Rollins, 1962; died from cancer on November 17, 1992) p. 317 (poet laureate of New York, 1991)
De Veaux, A. Warrior poet, 2004: CIP data view (Audre Lorde (1934-1992))
Info. converted from 678, 20120924 (b. 1934; B.A., M.S.)
Wikipedia, Oct. 24, 2014 (Audre Lorde (b. Audrey Geraldine Lorde, Feb. 18, 1934, New York, N.Y. - Nov. 17, 1992, Saint Croix) was a Caribbean-American writer, born to Caribbean immigrants, settled in Harlem, a radical feminist, womanist, lesbian, and civil rights activist; master's degree in library science in 1961, from Columbia University; head librarian at Town School Library in New York City; guest professor at the John F. Kennedy Institute of North American Studies at the Free University of Berlin in 1984; Lorde considered herself a "lesbian, mother, warrior, poet", and used poetry to get this message across, her main goal was to empower black people and lesbians and to encourage everyone to be comfortable in their own skin)
African American National Biography, accessed via The Oxford African American Studies Center online database, July 27, 2014: (Lorde, Audre; Audrey Geraldine Lorde; poet, writer, and activist; born 18 February 1934 in Harlem, New York, New York, United States; received a BA degree from Hunter College (1959); spent a year at the National University of Mexico; returned to New York, immersed herself in the "gay girl" culture of Greenwich Village; continued to develop her craft as a member of the Harlem Writers Guild; MLS degree from Columbia University's School of Library Service (1961); head librarian at Town School Library in New York City (1966-1968); received a National Endowment for the Arts grant and accepted a post at Tougaloo College in Mississippi as poet-in-residence (1968); cofounded Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press (1980); taught courses and literature at Lehman College and John Jay College of Criminal Justice; Thomas Hunter Professor of English at Hunter College; before her death in November 1992 Lorde underwent an African ritual in which she was renamed Gambda Adisa; died 17 November 1992 in Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands)