- Hernández, Isabel
Hernández, Isabel (Profesora de filología) (Nombre personal)
- Hernández, Isabel, 1965-
- Hernández González, Isabel, 1965-
- González, Isabel Hernández, 1965-
- Hernández González, María Isabel, 1965-
Formerly on undifferentiated name record: n 85155374
Source Blancanieves formerly attributed to Hispanic philologist María Isabel Hernández González and included on name record: nb 99027320
Los hermanos Grimm en contexto, 2014: title page (Isabel Hernández) page 9 (Isabel Hernández; Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
OCLC, August 12, 2016 (hdg.: Hernández González, Isabel; Hernández, Isabel; usage: Isabel Hernández)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid WWW site, viewed August 12, 2016 faculty directory (Isabel Hernández González; Professor, Department of German Studies, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; BA, Universidad Complutense of Madrid, 1987; Ph.D., Universidad Complutense of Madrid, 1994)
Eine Insel im vereinten Europa?, 2006: title page (Isabel Hernández) page 199 (Professor for German literature, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Blancanieves, 2012: title page (traducción de Isabel Hernández) title page verso (Isabel Hernández González)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid WWW site, viewed January 30, 2020 Faculdad page (María Isabel Hernández González; Faculdad de Filología, Departamento de Filología Alemana y Filología Eslava; expert in Swiss literature in German and German literature of the 19th century; she has been director of the Instituto de Lenguas Modernas y Traductores and academic secretary of Departamento de Filología Alemana; she has had research stays at the Universities of Harvard, Stanford and Southern California (US), Universidad de Buenos Aires, Università degli studi di Padova, the Universities of Bamberg, Osnabrück, Münster (Germany) and Zürich (Switzerland), and is a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; she launched and directed for 4 years the journal Estudios de Traducción and currently directs Revista de Filología Alemana; she is director of the research group INTRAL)
Germanisten Verzeichnis.de WWW site, viewed January 30, 2020 (María Isabel Hernández González; Dr. phil.; born 1965; professor since 2002, Madrid, Spain; German Studies, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Faculty of Philology; selected monographs: La crítica social en la nueva novela regional alemana, Literatura alemana del Barroco, Literatura suiza en lengua alemana; dissertation: El heimatroman crítico: Gerold Späth, narrador de historias suizas; translations include Kafka, Keller, Schiller, Goethe, Kleist)
BNE in VIAF viewed, Sept. 19, 2022: (hdg: Hernández, Isabel, 1965-; professor and translator) http://catalogo.bne.es/uhtbin/authoritybrowse.cgi?action=display&authority_id=XX1393514