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- Masters, Mathilda,
Masters, Mathilda, 1963- (Nombre personal)
Usado por/ver desde:
- Masters, Matilʹda, 1963-
- Мастерс, Матильда, 1963-
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Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Masters, Mathilda. [Mogut li korovy povlii︠a︡tʹ na globalʹnoe poteplenie?], 2020: title page (Матильда Мастерс) colophon (translated from the Dutch)
OCLC, Nov. 19, 2021 (Hdg.: Masters, Mathilda; Матильда Мастерс = Matilʹda Masters)
BNF via VIAF, Nov. 19, 2021 (Hdg.: Masters, Mathilda, 1963-....; children's author; journalist; pseudonym of Hilde Smeesters)
123 seriously smart things you need to know about the climate, 2020: title page (Mathilda Masters) back cover flap (a writer and explorer, and has written several books for children)