- McNab, Chris,
McNab, Chris, 1970- (Nombre personal)
- McNab, John Christopher, 1970-
- クリス・マクナブ
- Cabecera anterior: McNab, Christopher, Dr.
- Cabecera anterior: McNab, Chris
Formerly on undifferentiated name record: n 00014026.
Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
McNab, Chris. World's worst historical disasters, 2009: CIP t.p. (Chris McNab)
MacNab, Chris. Extreme sports, c2004: ECIP t.p. (Chris MacNab)
McNab, Chris. German paratroopers, 2000: CIP t.p. (Chris McNab)
McNab, Chris. Modern military uniforms, 2000: CIP t.p. (Chris McNab) jkt. (Ph.D.; freelance writer and researcher specializing in twentieth-century military history)
E-mail from Pub. Oct. 3, 2005 (full name John Christopher McNab; b. Sept. 15, 1970)
Mammals, 2006: t.p. (Chris McNab) jkt. (Dr. Chris McNab, a copy editor and proofreader, lives in South Wales) BL AL sent 17 july 2007
Pocket history of Edinburgh, 2008: t.p. (Dr. Christopher McNab) BL email sent 10 May 2010 no further information
E-mail from author, June 20, 2013 (he is the author of all of the titles listed above)
LinkedIn, viewed June 20, 2013 (Director (Writer, Editor, Project Manager, Trainer) at ColourBlue Ltd/PenroseMcNab Consulting; University of Wales, Aberystwyth, BA (Hons); PhD, Literature and History, 1991-1998) http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/chris-mcnab/11/3a0/788
McNab, Chris. Tracking a serial killer, 2020 : back cover (60 bks on topics ranging from crime to survival to military history)
ColourBlue website, viewed February 24, 2023: About / Chris McNab (Dr Chris McNab has a PhD in literature and theology and has been a writer, editor and trainer since 1998. To date he has written more than 100 books, from academic works to children's titles, most with international distribution, and has edited or proofread hundreds more. In training, research, management and consultancy roles, Chris has worked in Europe, the United States, Central Asia and East Asia, guiding publishing and non-publishing businesses to new levels of proficiency and confidence) https://www.colour-blue.co.uk/about