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  • Cippolini, Rafael

Cippolini, Rafael (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Cippolini, Rafael

Manifiestos argentinos, 2003: t.p., etc. (Rafael Cippolini; published by Adriana Hidalgo Editora in Buenos Aires; work is about art movements in Argentina in the 20th century)

Fundación Konex website, July 12, 2018: (Rafael Cippolini; born March 30, 1967; writer; independent art curator; author of Contagiosa paranoia; Amazonia & Co; Manifiestos argentinos; and works about Alfredo Prior, Fabio Kacero, Alberto Greco, Yamandú Rodríguez, Max Gómez Canle, Benito Laren, Xul Solar, Gyula Kosice, Lux Lindner, Eduardo Costa, Josefina Robirosa and Sergio Avello, among others; former editor of the art journal Ramona; former curator of the Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires; colaborator of the newspapers Clarín, Página 12, La Nación, and Perfil; former director of LDC : Laboratorio de Curaduría in the Centro de Expresiones Contemporáneas de Rosario; regent of the Collège de 'pataphysique; founding member of the Club Argentino de Kamishibai)