- Nancy, Jean-Luc
Nancy, Jean-Luc (Nombre personal)
- ננסי, ז׳אן־לוק
- ジャン=リュック・ナンシー
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Old catalog heading: Nancy, Jean Luc
Les fins de l'homme : à partir du travail de Jacques Derrida, 1981: title page (Jean-Luc Nancy)
LC data base, May 16, 1989 (old catalog hdg.: Nancy, Jean Luc; usage: Jean-Luc Nancy)
Corpus, 1992: title page (Jean-Luc Nancy) back cover (born 1940; professor of philosophy at Strasbourg)
The banality of Heidegger, 2017: title page (Jean-Luc Nancy) back cover (Jean-Luc Nancy; Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg)
The European Graduate School website, viewed January 2, 2018: link to Faculty page (Jean-Luc Nancy, Professor of Philosophy; received his degree in philosophy from the Sorbonne, Paris, in 1962; taught at the Université de Strasbourg from 1968 until his retirement in 2002) http://egs.edu/faculty/jean-luc-nancy
French Wikipedia, viewed August 26, 2021 (Jean-Luc Nancy; born July 26, 1940, in Bordeaux; died August 23, 2021, in Strasbourg; French philosopher)