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  • Ortega, Damián

Ortega, Damián (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Ortega, Damián

Damián Ortega, c2004: bio. (b. 1967 in Mexico City; lives and works in Mexico City and Rio de Janeiro)

LC database, Dec. 13, 2005 (hdg.: Ortega, Damián; usage: Damián Ortega)

The Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston website, viewed on April 3, 2014 (Damián Ortega; born in 1967 in Mexico City; the leading Mexican artist of the generation that emerged in the wake of the influence of Gabriel Orozco and Francis Alÿs; focuses on the points of intersection between architecture, sculpture, and spatial analysis; currently lives and works in Berlin, Germany, and Mexico City)

Its website, viewed April 22, 2019: about page (Alias is an independent editorial project. The press was conceived by Damián Ortega)