- Temprano García, Miguel
Temprano García, Miguel (Nombre personal)
- García, Miguel Temprano
Cuentos completos, 2009: t.p. (traducción de Miguel Temprano García)
La infancia de Jesús, 2013: title page verso (Miguel Temprano García, por la traducción)
Editorial Acantilado website, July 22, 2014 (Miguel Temprano García (Madrid, 1968) is a biologist and professor of English; he worked as an external translator for the United Nations and, in addition to works published in Acantilado, has translated into Spanish works by English authors: Defoe D., T. Smollett, T. Carlyle, R.L. Stevenson, J. Conrad, C. Doughty, G. Gissing, W. Lewis, G. Orwell, Virginia Woolf, Ford Madox Ford and A.S. Byatt as well as works by American writers: E. Allan Poe, H. Melville, F. Scott Fitzgerald, E. Hemingway, EB White, W. Maxwell, John O'Hara, P. Lopate and Michael Cunningham)