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  • Hernández, Jorge F.

Hernández, Jorge F. (Nombre personal)

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  • Jorge F. (Jorge Fabricio)

His La soledad del silencio, 1991: t.p. (Jorge F. Hernández)

Carlos Fuentes, territorios del tiempo, 1999: (Jorge F. Hernández) p. 4 of cover (b. 1962 in Mexico City; doctoral candidate in History at Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

El dibujo de la escritura, agosto de 2016: t.p. (Jorge F. Hernández) p. 4 of cover (author of novels such as La emperatriz de Lavapiés, short story writer, omnipresent columnist both in Mexico and in Spain and charismatic promotor of reading; here the author surprises us with his facet as a drawing artist)

Fuentetaja WWW site, viewed Dec. 20, 2017 (Jorge F. Hernández; b. 1962, México; doctoral studies in history at Univ. Complutense de Madrid; lists publications including La soledad del silencio and La emperatriz de Lavapiés; currently lives in Madrid, where writes columns for the daily El País and publishes his drawings, which have been collected in El dibujo de la escritura)

Premio y Festival Gabriel García Márquez de Periodismo WWW site, viewed Dec. 20, 2017 (Jorge Fabricio Hernández; novelist and columnist in El País)

Cuarentínimos para la cuentena, 2020: cover (Jorge F.)