- Padura, Leonardo
Padura, Leonardo (Nombre personal)
- Fuentes, Leonardo Padura
- Padura Fuentes, Leonardo
- Padura Fuentes, Leonardo de la Caridad
URIs added to 3XX and/or 5XX fields in this record for the PCC URI MARC Pilot. Please do not remove or edit these URIs.
nuc88-52473: Tres cuentos afortunados, 1984 (hdg. on WU rept.: Padura Fuentes, Leonardo; usage: Leonardo Padura; variant in contents note: Leonardo Padura Fuentes)
Lo real maravilloso, creación y realidad, c1989: t.p. (Leonardo Padura) verso t.p. (Leonardo Padura Fuentes)
Pasado perfecto, 1991: t.p. (Leonardo Padura Fuentes) p. 4 of cover (b. 1955 in Cuba)
Wikipedia, May 16, 2014 (Leonardo Padura Fuentes; born 1955; Cuban novelist and journalist. As of 2007, he is one of Cuba's best known writers internationally. He has written movie scripts, two books of short stories and a series of detective novels translated into 10 languages. In 2012, Fuentes was awarded the National Prize for Literature, Cuba's national literary award) August 22, 2022 (Leonardo Padura Fuentes; Leonardo de la Caridad Padura Fuentes; born October 10, 1955; Cuban novelist and journalist; in his native Spanish, as well as in English and some other languages, he is often referred to by the shorter form of his name, Leonardo Padura; born in Havana, took a degree in Latin American literature at the University of Havana; still lives and writes in his native city of Havana)
Heretics: a novel, 2016: ECIP t.p. (Leonardo Padura) data view (b. 10/9/1955)
Catalan Wikipedia website, viewed July 8, 2016: (Leonardo de la Caridad Padura Fuentes (L'Havana, 9 d'octubre de 1955), més conegut com a Leonardo Padura, és un novel·lista i periodista cubà, conegut especialment per les seves novel·les policíaques)
Key West Literary Seminary website, August 22, 2022 (Leonardo Padura; the most widely known author working in Cuba today; Padura was born in Havana in 1955 and earned a degree in Latin American literature at the University of Havana. He lives with his wife in the Havana barrio where he grew up)