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- Dawkins, Richard,
Dawkins, Richard, 1941- (Nombre personal)
Usado por/ver desde:
- Dawkins, R. (Richard), 1941-
- Dawkins, Clinton Richard, 1941-
- Daojinsi, Licha, 1941-
Ver además:
The selfish gene, 1976.
Oxford surveys in evolutionary biology, 1984: t.p. (R. Dawkins)
Wikipedia, 18 Oct. 2007 (Clinton Richard Dawkins (born March 26, 1941) is a British ethologist, evolutionary biologist)
Zu xian de gu shi, 2020: cover 理查・道金斯 = Licha Daojinsi; Richard Dawkins [in rom.])
Dawkins is a lecturer in animal behaviour at the Univ. of Oxford