- Montaigne, Michel de,
Montaigne, Michel de, 1533-1592 (Nombre personal)
- Montaigne, 1533-1592
- Montagne, Michel de, 1533-1592
- Montenʹ, Mishelʹ, 1533-1592
- Montanʹe, Mikhaĭlo, 1533-1592
- Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, 1533-1592
- Montaigne, Lord of (Michel de), 1533-1592
- Montēnyu, 1533-1592
- Montaini, Misel d̲e, 1533-1592
- דה־מונטן, מישל, 1533-1592
- די־מונטין, מיכאל, 1533־1592
- מונטין, מישל דה, 1533-1592
- Montenj, Mišel de, 1533-1592
Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Journal de voyage en Italie, 1942.
InU/Wing STC files (usage: Lord of Montaigne)
Zuisōroku, 1935- : v. 3, t.p. (Montēnyu)
Montaigne, Michel de. The essays, 1993: title page (Michel de Montaigne)
Wikipedia WWW site, viewed 08 January 2014 (Michel de Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de Montaigne; born February, 28, 1533 in Château de Montaigne [castle in a town called Saint-Michel-de-Montaigne], died September 13, 1592 in Château de Montaigne; French essayist. Montaigne's fame rests on the Essais, a collection of a large number of short subjective treatments of various topics published in 1580, inspired by his studies in the classics, especially Plutarch) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_de_Montaigne
Montaigne, Michel de. Dokimia, 1983-1985: volume 1, title page (Μισελ ντε Μονταινι = Misel d̲e Montaini)
Ogledi, 1967: title page (Mišel de Montenj)