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  • Roy, Françoise

Roy, Françoise (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Roy, Françoise

Nieblas del estío, 1998: t.p. (Françoise Roy)

Si tu traversais le seuil, c2005: t.p. (Françoise Roy) Can. CIP (Roy, Françoise, 1959-) p. preceding t.p. (lists other works; also writes in Spanish)

LAC Amicus, 02-27-06 (Roy, Françoise)

Trastrueques, 2007: t.p. (Françoise Roy) front flap (b. 1959 in Quebec, Canada; translator, poet and short story writer; has written several books of poetry in Spanish which have been published in Mexico)

Françoise Roy WWW page 17 November 2015: acerca de Françoise Roy (born 1959 in Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada; she has worked as free-lance interpreter and translator, and editor, and French and English teacher; from 2000-2007 wrote articles relating to literature in the Acento section of La Voz de Michoacán newspaper; won awards for her short stories; had published one novel in French and one in Spanish, a book of short stories, 8 poetry books, mostly Spanish, two of which are bi-lingual Spanish-French; has lived in Guadalajara Mexico since 1992)