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  • Fernández Muñoz, Manuel

Fernández Muñoz, Manuel (Nombre personal)

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  • Muñoz, Manuel Fernández

Fernández Muñoz, Manuel. El grial de la alianza, 2018: title page (Manuel Fernández Muñoz) front cover flap (diploma in pastoral ministry and chaplaincy ; writer and traveler, has traveled the world studying the spirituality in most religions; has lived with shamans in South America and studied meditation and budhism in India; collaborates with the weekly radio programs 'Espacio en blanco and Tiempo de hadas' ; also authored '50 cuentos universales para sanar tu vida; 99 cuentos y enseñanzas sufíes, Guía histórica, mística y misteriosa de Tierra Santa and Juicio a Dios)