- Delany,
Delany, Mrs. (Mary), 1700-1788 (Nombre personal)
- Delany, Mary, 1700-1788
- Delany, Mary Granville Pendarves, 1700-1788
- Granville, Mary, 1700-1788
- Pendarves, Mary Granville, 1700-1788
Data provided by the ESTC/BL
Her A catalogue of plants copyed from nature in paper mosaick, 1778 (name not given)
Her Letters from Mrs. Delany, 1820
Autobiography and Correspondence of Mary Granville, Mrs Delany, 1861
BM (Delany, Mary)
LC database, Feb. 7, 2006 (hdg.: Delany, Mary Granville Pendarves, 1700-1788)
Memoirs of the court of George III, 2015: title page volume 2 (Mary Delany (1700-1788) page xii, etc. (Mary Granville was born in 1700 at Coulston in Wiltshire ; married Alexander Pendarves who died in 1724 ; married Patrick Delany on June 9, 1743, they lived in Dublin ; after her husband's death Mary Delany settled in London ; died in April 1788)
Wikipedia WWW site, viewed March 16, 2015 (Mary Delany (née Granville) May 14, 1700-April 15, 1788 was an English Bluestocking, artist and letter-writer ; equally famous for her paper-mosaics and lively correspondence)