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  • Lewis, Herbert Clyde

Lewis, Herbert Clyde (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Lewis, Herbert Clyde

Don Juan Quilligan [MP] 1945: credits (from a story by Herbert Clyde Lewis)

Gentleman overboard, 2021: title page (Herbert Clyde Lewis)

Wikipedia, September 29, 2023 (Herbert Clyde Lewis; Herbert Clyde Lewis (15 August 1909 - 17 October 1950) was an American novelist; Lewis was born in New York City; he lived in China, working as a reporter on the Shanghai Evening Post in 1930 and on The China Press, Shanghai, in 1931 and 1932; he worked as a reporter for the New York Journal, but quit to work as an independent writer; although he sold several stories to Esquire, he was forced to declare bankruptcy by the time he sold his first novel, Gentleman Overboard, to the Viking Press in 1937; he moved to Hollywood and worked as a scenario writer for MGM in 1937, but returned to reporting, joining the news staff of the New York Herald Tribune in 1942; he returned to Hollywood after 20th Century Fox bought the film rights to his story,Two-Faced Qulligan; his most notable accomplishment in Hollywood was his story The Fifth Avenue Story, which was filmed in 1947 as It Happened on 5th Avenue; Lewis suffered a nervous breakdown in 1948 and was unable to work for a year after; he returned to New York in 1949 and was working as a contributing editor of Time magazine when he died of a heart attack)