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- Fraisse, Geneviève,
Fraisse, Geneviève, 1948- (Nombre personal)
Her Femmes toutes mains, c1979: t.p. (Geneviève Fraisse) p. 4 of cover (b. 1948; chargée de recherches at Inst. nat. de rech. pédagogique)
Bib nat. de France auth. file, Dec. 20, 2013 (a.a.p.: Fraisse, Geneviève (1948....); cited usage: Geneviève Fraisse; b. Oct. 7, 1948; nationality: French; female; philosopher, historian; research director at CNRS in 1997; interministerial delegate for women's rights, 1997-1998)
Du consentement, c2007: t.p. (Geneviéve Fraisse) p. 4 of cover (philosopher; research dir. at CNRS; former European deputy; author of books on the history of the equality of the sexes)