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- Aztlán
Aztlán (Término temático)
Usado por/ver desde:
- Chicomostoc
- Chicomoztoc
- Lugar de las Siete Cuevas
- Place of the Herons
- Place of the Seven Caves
Ver además:
- Encabezamiento genérico: Aztec mythology
- Encabezamiento genérico: Aztecs Origin
- Encabezamiento genérico: Geographical myths
- Encabezamiento genérico: Mexican Americans Ethnic identity
Work cat.: Aztlán, c1989.
Grandjeat, Y. Aztlán, terre volée, terre promise, 1989.
Dicc. encic. de Mexico: v. 2, p. 758.
Americana, 1990: v. 2, p. 894.
Here are entered works on the mythical or prehistoric homelands of the Aztecs, generally considered to be located in northern Mexico or those parts of the Southwestern United States that were historically owned by Mexico. The term is also used as a symbol of the ethnic identity and political consciousness of Mexican-Americans.