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  • Lethem, Jonathan

Lethem, Jonathan (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Lethem, Jonathan
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Letem, Dzhonatan, 1964-
  • Летем, Джонатан, 1964-
  • לתם, ג׳ונתן, 1964-
  • Ledŏm, Jonadan, 1964-

Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.

Non-Latin script references not evaluated.

His Gun, with occasional music, 1994: CIP t.p. (Jonathan Lethem)

Pistolet s muzykoĭ, 1996: t.p. (Dzhonatan Letem)

Email from pub., April 14, 2010 (b. Feb. 19, 1964)

Mŏdŏrisŭ Bŭrukʻŭllin, 2007: t.p. (Jonadan Ledŏm)

Wikipedia, 17 April 2014 (Jonathan Lethem; Jonathan Allen Lethem; born 19 February 1964 in Brooklyn, New York; sometimes uses pen name: Harry Conklin; American novelist, essayist, short story writer, especially of science fiction)