- Shaw, Bernard,
Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950 (Nombre personal)
- Birnārd Shū, 1856-1950
- Shū, Birnārd, 1856-1950
- Hsiao, Po-na, 1856-1950
- Shou, Dzhordzh Bernard, 1856-1950
- Corno di Bassetto, 1856-1950
- Bassetto, Corno di, 1856-1950
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, 1856-1950
- Shou, Bernard, 1856-1950
- Cabecera anterior: Shaw, George Bernard, 1856-1950
- Shaw, G. B. (George Bernard), 1856-1950
- Shō, Bānādo, 1856-1950
- Shiyou, Baanādo, 1856-1950
- Shaw, G. Bernard (George Bernard), 1856-1950
- Pern̲āṭṣā, 1856-1950
- Pern̲ārṭuṣā, 1856-1950
- Cā, Pern̲āṭ, 1856-1950
- Ṣā, Pern̲ārṭ, 1856-1950
- Ṣā, Jārj Pern̲ārṭu, 1856-1950
- Шоу, Джордж Бернард, 1856-1950
- שאו, בערנארד
- שאו, בערנארד, 1856-1950
- שאו, ברנארד, 1856-1950
- שאו, ברנארד
- שאו, ברנרד
- שאו, ג׳ורג׳ ברנרד
- شو، برنارد، 1856-1950
Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
His The quintessence of Ibsenism ... 1897.
O'Donovan, J. Bernard Shaw, 1983: t.p. (Bernard Shaw) spine (G. B. Shaw)
Bānādo Shō kenkyū, 1986.
Sensō hihan, 1934: t.p. (Baanādo Shiyou [in katakana])
An unsocial socialist, 1917: t.p. (G. Bernard Shaw)
Eṭṭip pal̲am : nāṭakam, 2005: t.p. (Pern̲āṭ Cā) cover (Pern̲āṭṣā)
SILAS, Jan. 22, 2008 (hdg.: Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950; usages: Pern̲ārṭuṣā; Pern̲ārṭ Ṣā; Jārj Pern̲ārṭu Ṣā)
Wikipedia, viewed March 20, 2015 (George Bernard Shaw; born 26 July 1856 in Dublin; died 2 November 1950, Ayot St Lawrence, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom; Irish playwright and a co-founder of the London School of Economics; won Nobel Prize in Literature (1925), Academy Award for Writing Adapted Screenplay for Pygmalion (1938); moved to Ayot St. Lawrence in 1898) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Bernard_Shaw