- Espino, Fernando Antonio,
Espino, Fernando Antonio, 1931-1991 (Nombre personal)
Uncle of: Mezzetti, Leonardo, 1962- (n 2024049726)
Sahda, Domingo. Espino, c1998: page 39 (Fernando Antonio Espino) page 50, etc. (Fernando Espino; Argentine painter, born 1931 in Rosario; died in 1991)
Gobierno de Santa Fe (Argentina) website, September 23, 2024: (Fernando Espino; from Santa Fe; artist) https://www.santafe.gob.ar/index.php/web/content/download/141660/697675/file/Dos%20propuestas%20de%20excelente%20nivel%20en%20el%20Museo%20Rosa%20Galisteo.pdf
El Litoral (news) (Santa Fe, Argentina) website, September 23, 2024: posted February 11, 2005 and September 30, 2005 (Fernando Antonio Espino; born 1931 in Rosario; died 1991 in Santa Fe; teaching degree in illustration from the Escuela Provincial de Bellas Artes de Santa Fe (1953); former professor of illustration and painting, Liceo Municipal de Esperanza and the Liceo Provincial de Paraná; was affiliated with the Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez; wife was Beatriz Martín (1936-1998)) https://www.ellitoral.com/index.php/diarios/2005/09/30/culturadiario/CULT-01.html https://www.ellitoral.com/index.php/diarios/2005/02/11/opinion/OPIN-02.html
Instantáneas sobre el arte de la ciudad de Santa Fe (published by the Fundación OSDE), 2006: (Fernando Espino; born 1931 in Santa Fe; died 1991 in Santa Fe; lived the first three years of his life in Rosario; teaching degree in illustration from the Escuela Provincial de Artes Visuales "Juan Mantovani" (1953); worked as a teacher in the Liceo de Esperanza and the Liceo Provincial de Paraná; was affiliated with the Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes "Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez"; wife was Beatriz Martín) https://issuu.com/artefundosde/docs/instant__neas_sobre_el_arte_de_la_c
Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes "Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez" website, September 23, 2024: (Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes "Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez"; much of their collection is available at the Museo Virtual de Arte Santafesino ARTEFE; has a link to their website) https://museorosagalisteo.gob.ar/coleccion/
Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes "Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez" Facebook page, September 23, 2024: (Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes "Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez"; art museum located in Santa Fe, Argentina; museorosagalisteo@santafevirtual.edu.ar) https://www.facebook.com/MuseoRosaGalisteo
Museo Virtual de Arte Santafesino ARTEFE website, September 23, 2024: (Fernando Espino; born 1931 in Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina; died 1991 in Santa Fe, Argentina; degree from the Escuela de Bellas Artes de Santa Fe (1953); professor of illustration and painting who was affiliated with the Liceo Municipal de Esperanza and the Liceo Provincial de Paraná, Entre Ríos; was affiliated with the MPBA Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez) http://www.artefe.org.ar/Artistas/1644
Todos tus santos, 2017: title page (Leonardo Mezzetti) cover front and back flaps (Leonardo Darío Mezzetti; born March 27, 1962 in Santa Fe; studied at the Escuela de Bellas Artes José Figueroa Alcorta (Córdoba, Argentina) and the Centro Palivolente de Arte (Trelew, Argentina) where he received a degree in illustration as a maestro nacional de dibujo; received a degree in museology in La Plata, Argentina (2000); has been affiliated with the Museo Municipal de Artes Visuales of the Dirección de Cultura de Trelew; plastic artist; painter; sculptor; nephew of the artists from Santa Fe Fernando Espino and Beatriz Martín; author of De pájaros y otros vuelos)