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  • Docter, Pete

Docter, Pete (Nombre personal)

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  • Docter, Peter

Monsters, Inc, 2002: credits (directed by Pete Docter)

OCLC, Jan. 24, 2005 (hdgs.: Docter, Pete; Docter, Peter; usages: Pete Docter; Peter Docter)

Wikipedia, via WWW. November 1, 2013 (Peter Hans "Pete" Docter (born October 9, 1958, Bloomington, Minnesota) is an American film director, animator, screenwriter, producer and voice actor; he has been an integral part of some of Pixar's most seminal works)

IMDb, April 6, 2021: (Pete Docter, producer, writer, director, animation department ; b. October 9, 1968 in Bloomington, Minnesota, USA)