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- Chopin, Kate,
Chopin, Kate, 1850-1904 (Nombre personal)
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- Chopin, Kate O'Flaherty, 1850-1904
- Chopin, Katherine O'Flaherty, 1850-1904
- O'Flaherty, Catherine, 1850-1904
The awakening, 1995: CIP t.p. (Kate Chopin) galley ix (Katherine O'Flaherty Chopin)
Critical essays on Kate Chopin, 1996: galley (Kate Chopin, née Catherine O'Flaherty; b. in St. Louis, Mo., 02-08-1850 (not 1851, as most sources report))
Kate Chopin, a critical biography, 1979: p. 7 (...according to an article by Mary Helen Wilson in the Kate Chopin Newsletter, she was born on July 12, 1850, and not on February 8, 1851...)
Wikipedia, Sep. 10, 2009 (Kate Chopin (born Catherine O'Flaherty on February 8, 1850-August 22, 1904) was an American author of short stories and novels, mostly of a Louisiana Creole background. She is now considered by some to have been a forerunner of feminist authors of the 20th century; born and died in St. Louis.)