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  • Castillo, Alicia

Castillo, Alicia (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Castillo, Alicia
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Castillo Álvarez, Alicia
  • Álvarez, Alicia Castillo

Her El bosque, c1986: t.p. verso (Alicia Castillo)

Procesos de formación educativa interdisciplinaria, 2013: t.p. (Alicia Castillo) front flap (biologist and environmental educator; researcher, Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas, UNAM, Campus Morelia; her interests center on analyzing the relationships between human groups and ecosystems, and on examining the processes of generation, communication and utilization of socio-ecological knowledge)

Academia Nac. de Educación Ambiental WWW site, Sept. 9, 2014: integrantes (Dra. Alicia Castillo Álvarez; doctorate in environmental education, Univ. of Reading, Great Britain; researcher, Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas, UNAM, located in Morelia, Michoacán; lists publications in English and Spanish)