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- Alemagna, Béatrice
Alemagna, Béatrice (Nombre personal)
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- 贝阿特丽斯.阿勒玛尼亚
- Алеманья, Беатриче
- Alemanʹi︠a︡, Beatriche
Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Uno y siete, c2001: t.p. (Béatrice Alemagna)
Her website, Nov. 2, 2015 (Béatrice Alemagna ; born in Bologna, Italy, in 1973 ; author & illustrator)
Amazon website, Nov. 2, 2015 9Beatrice Alemagna was born in Bologna, Italy. She graduated from the Istituto Superiore for industrial arts in Urbino, Italy. She has won numerous international awards for her illustration. She now lives in Paris, France, where she works as an author and illustrator, as well as a designer of childrens books, posters, and collages.)
Alemagna, Béatrice. Super obychnyĭ denʹ, 2020: title page (Беатриче Алеманья = Beatriche Alemanʹi︠a︡)