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Vista MARC
- Theumer, Emmanuel,
Theumer, Emmanuel, 1990- (Nombre personal)
Desde la Cuba revolucionaria, 2018?: title page (Emmanuel Theumer) page 102 (born 1990, Esperanza)
Hacerse de un cuerpo pa we Uwach Ulew u b'iam América Latina, 2021: t.p. (Emmanuel Theumer) p. 137 (marica-feminist activist; grad. in history from Univ. Nac. del Litoral; instructor and researcher, Fac. de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Univ. Nac. del Litoral; doctoral student in social studies, UNL; his lines of research are centered on history of sexuality, memories and movements of sexual resistance (feminist and LGBTTTI+))