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  • Aboites, Luis

Aboites, Luis (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Aboites, Luis
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Aboites Aguilar, Luis
  • Aguilar, Luis Aboites

His La Revolución Mexicana en Espita, 1910-1940, 1982: t.p. (Luis Aboites)

Agua y tierra en la región del Conchos-San Pedro, Chihuahua, 1720-1938, 1986: t.p. (Luis Aboites Aguilar)

El norte mexicanao son algodones, 1970-2010, 2018: t.p. (Luis Aboites Aguilar) front flap (born in Delicias, Chihuahua, 1957; researches three topics: northern Mexico, the uses of water and the fiscal question; social anthropologist degree from Univ. Aut. Metropolitana; doctorate in history from El Colegio de México, where since 1997 he has been prof.-researcher at its Centro de Estudios Históricos and teaches courses on the political history of Mexico and the uses of water)