- Hidalgo, Alberto,
Hidalgo, Alberto, 1897-1967 (Nombre personal)
- Cabecera anterior: Hidalgo, Alberto, 1893-1967
nuc90-64970: His La vida es de todos [MI] 1965 (hdg. on GmC rept.: Hidalgo, Alberto, 1893- )
Antología poética, 1997: t.p. (Alberto Hidalgo) p. 333, etc. (b. May 23, 1897; d. Nov. 12, 1967, aged 70)
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), International Center for the Arts of the Americas website, March 20, 2023: (Alberto Hidalgo; born 1897; died 1967; Peruvian writer and poet; early in his literary career Hidalgo published the poems Panoplia lírica (1917), Las voces de colores (1918), and Joyería (1919) in the magazine Colónida; these poems set Hidalgo apart from his contemporaries, establishing his reputation for innovation and nonconformism; he admired the movement of Futurism and was one of the first to introduce it to Latin America; created the poetic platform for a one-man aesthetic movement called Simplismo (between 1916-1922); editor of the avant-garde publication Índice de la nueva poesía americana with Jorge Luis Borges and created the journals Oral and Pulso; author of Actitud de los años : carta al Perú (1957) and Poesía inexpugnable (1962); wrote stories, plays, and a series of books on Sigmund Freud published under the pseudonym Dr. J. Gómez Nerea) https://icaa.mfah.org/s/en/item/1126257#?c=&m=&s=&cv=&xywh=-227%2C-1%2C1976%2C1106
El Búho (newspaper) (Arequipa, Peru), Artes & Letras section, August 14, 2011: (Alberto Hidalgo Lobato; Alberto Hidalgo; born 1897 in Arequipa; died 1967 in Buenos Aires; published the poems Panoplia lírica (1917), Las voces de colores (1918), and Joyería (1919) in the magazine Colónida; created the journals Oral and Pulso; author of works of poetry Carta al Perú (1957) and Poesía inexpugnable (1962) as well as his only work of short stories Los sapos y otras personas (1927); received the Gran Premio de Honor from the Fundación Argentina para la Poesía) https://issuu.com/semanarioelbuho/docs/artes_y_letras_483
Fundación Argentina para la Poesía Facebook page, March 20, 2023: posted May 23, 2022 (Alberto Hidalgo; born May 23, 1897; died 1967; author of Carta al Perú and Poesía inexpugnable) https://m.facebook.com/fundacionargentinaparalapoesia/posts/559909562374348/
Diario de mi sentimiento, 2020: title page (Alberto Hidalgo) cover front flap (Alberto Hidalgo Lobato; born 1897 in Arequipa; died 1967 in Buenos Aries) page 16 (author states that he was born in Arequipa)
Los sapos y otras personas, 2014: title page, etc. (Alberto Hidalgo Lobato)
La Mula (news) (Peru) website, March 20, 2023: essay written by the author's friend Jorge Rendón Vásquez posted on August 12, 2013 (Alberto Hidalgo; died November 12, 1967; author of Panoplia lírica and Carta al Perú; pseudonym was Doctor J. Gómez Nerea) https://nuestrabandera.lamula.pe/2013/08/12/homenaje-a-alberto-hidalgo/nuestrabandera/
Premio Letras Arequipeñas (organized by the Corporación Cultural INTEXPRO and the Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Arequipa) website, 2020: (Alberto Hidalgo; born May 23, 1897 in Arequipa; died 1967 in Buenos Aires;) https://www.letrarequipa.com/2014/09/alberto-hidalgo.html
Casa de la Literatura Peruana website, March 21, 2023: (heading: Hidalgo, Alberto, 1897-1967; author of several works including Antología poética (1997), Carta al Perú (1953), and La vida es de todos (1965)) https://biblioteca.casadelaliteratura.gob.pe/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=au:%22Hidalgo%2C%20Alberto%2C%20%22