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Vista MARC
- Ramírez Juárez, Javier
Ramírez Juárez, Javier (Nombre personal)
Usado por/ver desde:
- Juárez, Javier Ramírez
- Ramírez, Javier (Ramírez Juárez)
Política agrícola y reforma institucional, 1995: t.p. (Javier Ramírez Juárez)
Globalización, seguridad alimentaria y ganadería familiar, 2017: t.p. (Javier Ramírez Juárez) p. 103, etc. (bib. ref.: Ramírez, Javier; rural sociologist degree from Univ. Aut. Chapingo; doctorate in sciences from Colegio de Postgraduados; prof.-researcher, Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Puebla; his lines of research are territory, social subjects and institutions in rural development, as weill as rurality and the peasantry)