- Chaves, Mariana,
Chaves, Mariana, 1968- (Nombre personal)
Jóvenes, territorios y complicidades, c2010: t.p. (Mariana Chaves) p. 5 (b. 1968, La Plata, Argentina; licenciada in anthropology and doctorate in natural sciences/anthropology)
Hacerse un lugar, c2014: t.p. (Mariana Chaves) p. 4 of cover (Mariana Chaves, anthropologist; investigator at Conicet; professor affiliated with the UNLP)
Author's Academia page, August 20, 2020: (Mariana Chaves; professor affiliated with the Laboratorio de Estudios en Cultura y Sociedad of the Facultad de Trabajo Social and the Facultad de Ciencias Naturales of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata; lists works in English, French, and Spanish, many of which are about youth) https://unlp.academia.edu/MarianaChaves/
Author's Researchgate page, August 20, 2020: (Mariana Chaves; professor affiliated with the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and CONICET) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mariana_Chaves2
Author's Facebook page, August 20, 2020: (Mariana Chaves; professor affiliated with the Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo of the Universidad de La Plata (since 2012); professor and researcher affiliated with the Facultad de Trabajo Social of the Universidad de La Plata (since 1990), Casa Joven B.A., and the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero in Caseros); resident of La Plata; hometown is La Plata) https://es-la.facebook.com/mariana.chaves.3538
Universidad Nacional de La Plata website, August 20, 2020: (Dr. Mariana Chaves; born November 20, 1968 in La Plata; licenciada in anthropology and doctorate in natural sciences/anthropology (1996) and Ph.D. in anthropology (2006), Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNyM), Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP); director of the Laboratorio de Estudios en Cultura y Sociedad; mchaves@fcnym.unlp.edu.ar; lecys@trabajosocial.unlp.edu.ar) http://www.trabajosocial.unlp.edu.ar/lecys https://www.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar/uploads/docs/asignaturas_obligatorias.pdf