- Ruiz, Fran
Ruiz, Fran (Nombre personal)
Hesse, María. Bowie, 2019: ECIP title page (Fran Ruiz)
Hesse, María. Bowie, 2019: title page (Fran Ruiz) back cover (Fran Ruiz; professor of geography and history, and his writing regularly appears in the magazine Cultural Use Manual; lives in Spain)
Mercado Libre WWW site, Oct. 2, 2019: Libros, revistas, y comics; Libros; Biografías (in entry for Bowie: Fran Ruiz; born 1981, Malaga; professor of geography and history at a secondary school; studied art history at the university in Malaga, and worked there for a year as a collaborative fellow; has written in the university magazine La buhardilla and the journal Manual de uso cultural) https://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-744345145-bowie-una-biografia-maria-hesse-fran-ruiz-lumen-_JM?quantity=1