- Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan,
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan, 1814-1873 (Nombre personal)
- Le Fanu, Sheridan, 1814-1873
- La Fanu, Sheridan, 1814-1873
- Le Fanu, J. Sheridan (Joseph Sheridan), 1814-1873
- Fanu, Joseph Sheridan Le, 1814-1873
- LeFanu, J. S. (Joseph Sheridan), 1814-1873
- LaFanu, Sheridan, 1814-1873
His The black lady of Duna. 1879.
His The rose and the key, 1982: CIP t.p. (J. Sheridan Le Fanu)
Irish literature, 1800-1875, c1978: p. 228 (Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu: other prose: The prelude. by John Figwood [pseud.])
Carmilla, 1973: title page (by Sheridan le Fanu)
Internet speculative fiction database, 29 July 2016 (Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, 28 August 1814-7 February 1873, Irish author, gothic tales and mystery novels)
Wikipedia, 29 July 2016 (Sheridan Le Fanu; Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu (born 28 August 1814 in Dublin, Ireland; died 7 February 1873 in Dublin, Ireland) was an Irish writer of Gothic tales and mystery novels; he was the leading ghost-story writer of the nineteenth century and was central to the development of the genre in the Victorian era; three of his best-known works are Uncle Silas, Carmilla and The House by the Churchyard)
Masterpieces of terror and the supernatural, 1992: table of contents (Sheridan LeFanu)
In a glass darkly, 2018: title page (J. Sheridan Le Fanu)