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- Ventura, Antonio,
Ventura, Antonio, 1954- (Nombre personal)
Ventura, Antonio. La mirada de Pablo, c2002: t.p. (Antonio Ventura) page opposite t.p. (b. 1954-, Madrid, Spain)
Ventura, Antonio. Nina y Antón, 2018: t.p. (Antonio Ventura, Alejandra Estrada)
Kalandraka website, Feb. 12, 2020 (Antonio Ventura, born in Madrid in 1954, holds degrsee in Teaching ; studied History and for more than 15 years he worked in the public school ; has written for Alfaguara, Altea, and Anaya ; founded The Blue Rider in 2009, of which he is editorial director. In 1989 he created the magazine Babar - National Prize for the Promotion of Reading 2017 - and in 2007 the BLOC magazine of art and children's literature ; has written more than thirty books)