- Herder, Johann Gottfried,
Herder, Johann Gottfried, 1744-1803 (Nombre personal)
- Herder, J. G. (Johann Gottfried), 1744-1803
- Gerder, Iogann Gotfrid, 1744-1803
- Cabecera anterior: Herder, Johann Gottfried von, 1744-1803
- Herder, Yohan Goṭfrid, 1744-1803
- Herder, J. G. von (Johann Gottfried), 1744-1803
- Von Herder, J. G. (Johann Gottfried), 1744-1803
- Herder, Giovanni Goffredo, 1744-1803
- הערדער, יאהן גאטטפריעד פ.
- הרדר, יוהאן גוטפריד, 4471־3081
Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
nuc89-4572: Zewy Scherflein zur neusten deutschen Litteratur [MI] 1780 (usage from note on CtY rept.: J.G. Herder)
ha-Yahadut bi-temunat-ʻolamam shel Haman, Herder ṿe-Geteh, c1994: t.p. verso (J.G. Herder [in rom.]) p. 7 (Yohan Goṭfrid Herder)
J.G. von Herder's Terpsichore, 1819.
Herder, 1994: t.p. (Giovanni Goffredo Herder)
Wikipedia, viewed May 21, 2024 (Johann Gottfried Herder; Johann Gottfried von Herder; born August 25, 1744 in Mohrungen, Prussia; died December 18, 1803 in Weimar, Saxe-Weimar, Holy Roman Empire; philosopher, theologian, poet, and literary critic; associated with the Enlightenment, Sturm und Drang, and Weimar Classicism) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Gottfried_Herder