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  • Goldsmith, Kenneth

Goldsmith, Kenneth (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Goldsmith, Kenneth

73 poems, 1993: t.p. (Kenneth Goldsmith) Kenneth GOLDSMITH (lives in Manhattan)

Soliloquy, 2001: CIP t.p. (Kenneth Goldsmith) publisher's info. (b. 1961), viewed on 05-29-2015: (Kenneth Goldsmith is the founding editor of UbuWeb, teaches Poetics and Poetic Practice at the University of Pennsylvania and is Senior Editor of PennSound. He was an artist and sculptor for many years before taking up conceptual poetry. He has since published ten books of poetry and is the author of a book of essays, Uncreative Writing: Managing Language in a Digital Age)

Escritura no-creativa, 2015: title page (Kenneth Goldsmith) front cover flap (born in Freeport, New York)