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- Heide, Florence Parry
Heide, Florence Parry (Nombre personal)
Usado por/ver desde:
- McDonald, Jamie
- Parry, Florence Fisher
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For works of this author written 1972-1974 in collaboration with Sylvia Worth Van Clief and from 1975 in collaboration with David Heide, search also under Allen, Alex B.
Van Clief, S. W. Maggie, 1961.
New York times WWW site, Oct. 28, 2011 (in obituary published Oct. 27: Florence Parry Heide; b. Florence Fisher Parry, Feb. 27, 1919, Pittsburgh; m. Donald C. Heide (d. 1992); d. Sunday night or early Monday [Oct. 23 or 24, 2011], Kenosha, Wis., aged 92; wrote dozens of books of prose and poetry for children, often enhanced with drawings by famed illustrators)
Heide, Florence Parry. The House of Wisdom, 1999: title page (Florence Parry Heide)
b. Feb. 27, 1919