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  • Montejo, Víctor,

Montejo, Víctor, 1951- (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Montejo, Víctor, 1951-
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Montejo Estaban, Víctor Dionicio, 1951-
  • Montejo Estebam, Víctor Dionicio, 1951-
  • Estaban, Víctor Dionicio Montejo, 1951-
  • Estebam, Víctor Dionicio Montejo, 1951-
  • Montejo Esteban, Víctor Dionicio, 1951-
  • Esteban, Víctor Dionicio Montejo, 1951-

His Testimony, c1987: t.p. (Victor Montejo) jacket (A Mayan Indian born in Guatemala in 1952; lives in Albany, N.Y.)

His El Kanil, man of lightning, 1984: t.p. (Victor Dionicio Montejo)

Phone call to publ., 04-13-99 (Victor Dionicio Montejo Estaban; b. 10/09/51; Ph. D. Univ. of Conn., 1993)

El Q'anil, c2001: CIP t.p. (Victor D. Montejo)

Maya intellectual renaissance, 2005: eCIP t.p. (Victor D. Montejo) data view (Victor Dionicio Montejo Estebam)

UC Davis Department of Global Affairs website, July 10, 2020: U.C. Davis Fulbright U.S. Scholars (Victor Montejo; Professor Emeritus Montejo is a nationally and internationally recognized author and intellectual)

IXIM: la leyenda del descubrimiento del maíz, 2020: title page (Víctor Montejo)

Entre dos mundos, 2021: t.p. (Víctor Montejo) p. 7, etc. (born 1951, Jacaltenango, Huhuetenango, Guatemala; parents: Eusebio Montejo and Juana Esteban Méndez; anthropologist)

Guatemala. Congreso. Web site, viewed January 10, 2023 (Víctor Dionicio Montejo Esteban)