- González, Julieta
González, Julieta (Nombre personal)
- González Gorrín, Julieta Elena
- Gorrín, Julieta Elena González
Arte social, c2004: colophon, etc. (Julieta González; catalog of an exhibition on Claudio Perna; held August-February 2004 at the Galería Nacional de Arte in Caracas) https://issuu.com/claudioperna/docs/2004-claudio_perna__catalogo___1_
Artforum website, March 25, 2020: (Julieta González; curator of an exhibition at the Museo de Bellas Artes in Caracas (2002); Claudio Perna is one of the artists featured in the exhibition) https://www.artforum.com/picks/ethnography-a-user-s-guide-3690
Arteinformado website, March 25, 2020: (Julieta González; born 1968 in Caracas; resident of Mexico City; artistic director of Museo Jumex; curator formerly affiliated with the Museu de Arte de São Paulo MASP, the Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo de Ciudad de México, Tate Modern (2009-2012), and the Bronx Museum of the Arts; master's in cultural studies from Goldsmiths in London)
Author's LinkedIn page, March 25, 2020: (Julieta González; born 1968 in Caracas; resident of Mexico City; artistic director of Museo Jumex (2015-2019); curator formerly affiliated with various institutions including the Museo de Bellas Artes de Caracas (1995-1997; 2001-2003), the Museu de Arte de São Paulo MASP (beginning in 2015), the Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo (2012-2015), Tate Modern (2009-2011), and the Bronx Museum of the Arts (2012-2015); degree in architecture, Universidad Simón Bolívar (1986-1991); degree in architecture, École d'Architecture Paris-Villemin (1993-1994); degree in industrial design, ENSCI Les Ateliers (1993-1994); Helena Rubinstein Curatorial Fellow at the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program (1997-1998); master's in cultural studies from Goldsmiths in London (2011-2012)) https://www.linkedin.com/in/julieta-gonzalez-04b98b78/
Author's Twitter page, March 25, 2020: (Julieta González; affiliated with the Museo Jumex and the Museu de Arte de São Paulo) https://twitter.com/julietaelena68
New York Times, August 9, 1998: (Julieta Elena González Gorrín; participant in the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program) https://www.nytimes.com/1998/08/09/nyregion/art-landscape-the-site-the-meaning-of-place.html
El mundo tal como es y el mundo como podría ser, 2015: title page (Julieta González; English and Spanish text) page 159 (affiliated with the Museo Jumex)