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  • Macías, Reynaldo Flores

Macías, Reynaldo Flores (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Macías, Reynaldo Flores

nuc87-109654: His Mexicano/Chicano sociolinguistic behavior ... 1979 (hdg. on TxHR rept.: Macías, Reynaldo Flores; usage: Reynaldo Flores Macías)

LC data base, 5/9/88 (hdg.: Macías, Reynaldo Flores)

Reynaldo Macías - UCLA Chavez web site, November 21, 2023 (Dr. Reynaldo F. Macías is a faculty member and founding Chair of the UCLA César E. Chávez Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies and the César E. Chávez Center for Interdisciplinary Instruction.; He is the author, co-author, and editor of six books and over three dozen research articles and chapters on such topics as bilingual education, teacher supply and demand, Chicanos and schooling, adult literacy, language choice, analyses of national language survey data, population projections, language policies, and media research.)