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- Lamb, Mary,
Lamb, Mary, 1764-1847 (Nombre personal)
Usado por/ver desde:
- Lan-mu, Ma-li, 1764-1847
- Ma-li Lan-mu, 1764-1847
- Cabecera anterior: Lamb, Mary Ann, 1764-1847
- למב, מרי, 1764-1847
- メアリ.ラム, 1764-1847
- Lam, Maria, 1764-1847
- Lamb, Mary Anne, 1764-1847
Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Marrs, E.W. A descriptive catalogue of the letters ... 1984: t.p. (Mary Anne Lamb)
Lamb, C. Sha-shih-pi-ya hsi chü ku shih chi, 1956 (1978 printing): t.p. (Ma-li Lan-mu)
LC database, 4-22-96 (hdg.: Lamb, Mary Ann, 1764-1847; usage: Mary Lamb; Mary Ann Lamb)
Diēgēmata apo ton Saixpēr, 1932: title page (Marias Lam)
Lamb, Mary. The story of Shakespeare's Twelfth night [SR]: pub info (this narrative version was written by Mary & Charles Lamb)
Wikipedia website, May 4, 2023 (Mary Lamb, Mary Anne Lamb; English writer; she is best known for the collaboration with her brother Charles on the collection Tales from Shakespeare)