- Santiago, José de
Santiago, José de (Nombre personal)
- De Santiago, José
- Santiago Silva, José de
- Silva, José de Santiago
Rabel, F. Requiem por una ciudad, 1984: t.p. (José de Santiago)
His Algunas consideraciones sobre las pinturas ... 1976: t.p. (Prof. José de Santiago Silva; jefe del Depto. Téc. del Mus. Nac. de Hist. [Méx.])
Entre cúpulas, 1990: t.p. (José de Santiago) p. 67 (José de Santiago Silva; b. 1942, Jerez, Zacatecas)
Rememorar los derroteros, 2015: p. 7 (José de Santiago Silva) p. 51 (Fac. de Artes Visuales y Diseño, UNAM)
Ganadores PUN : Premio Universidad Nacional 2011 : Dr. José de Santiago Silva, via WWW, viewed Aug. 3, 2016 (entered the Esc. Nac. de Artes Plásticas in 1961; received licentiate in painting in 1970; joined the Inst. Nac. de Antropología e Historia as a collaborator of the archaeologist Florencia Muller in the Ceramoteca de Teotihuacán; later was director of the Galería de Historia at INAH and shortly afterwards began teaching at the Esc. de Arte Teatral of the Inst. Nac. de Bellas Artes; was also curator of painting and sculpture collections at the Mus. Nac. de Historia of the Castillo de Chapultepec, and was its subdirector; was director of the Museo de Arte Moderno of INBA in 1982-1982; his work in this house of studies [the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México] began in 1974; thenceforth he served as academic, administrator, researcher, artist, and exercised leadership as a promotor of cultural diffiusion, inside and outside the university campus)