- Hardinge, Frances
Hardinge, Frances (Nombre personal)
Hardinge, Frances. Fly by night, 2006: t.p. (Frances Hardinge)
Wikipedia, Ap. 24, 2018 (Frances Hardinge (born 1973 in Brighton, England) is a British children's writer.)
Her GoodReads page, Ap. 24, 2018 (Frances Hardinge ; Genre: Fantasy, Children's, Young Adult)
The writer's map, 2018: page 246 (Frances Hardinge is a children's writer ; She studied English Literature at Oxford)
Wikipedia web site, November 20, 2019: (Frances Hardinge (born 1973) is a British children's writer. Hardinge was born in Brighton, England ; She studied English at Somerville College, University of Oxford) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances_Hardinge
Unraveller, 2023: title page (Frances Hardinge) book jacket (novels include Cuckoo song, Gullstruck Island, Fly by night, Verdigris deep, A face like glass, Skinful of shadows, Deeplight, and Fly trap; lives in England)