- Beckwith, Tony
Beckwith, Tony (Nombre personal)
González, Beatriz. Beatriz González, 2019: colophon (Tony Beckwith)
tonybeckwith.com, April 10, 2020 (Tony Beckwith; Writer; Translator; Poet; Cartoonist; I spent my formative years in Uruguay, hearing and speaking a mixture of Spanish and English for as far back as I can remember. Among my childhood contemporaries we spoke Spanglish, a mixture of the two languages, which in retrospect gave me a better grasp of both of them. Playing with words and taking them apart to create hybrid alternatives teaches a great deal about how each language works; Translating, of course, requires skill with written words and, as a visit to the rest of this website will show, I am a writer. Once I have understood the meaning of a text, I put on my writer's hat and go to work) http://www.tonybeckwith.com/translator.html