- Eielson, Jorge Eduardo,
Eielson, Jorge Eduardo, 1924-2006 (Nombre personal)
- Eielson, J. E. (Jorge Eduardo)
His La poesía contemporanea del Perú, 1946-
El cuerpo de Giulia-no, 1971: t.p. (Jorge Eduardo Eielson) cover p. 4 (b. 1924 in Lima, Peru)
Michele Mulas, c2005: p. 9 (Jorge Eielson)
Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-02 (b. 1924)
Archivio Jorge Eielson-Saronno website, June 14, 2021: (Jorge Eduardo Eielson; Jorge Eielson; born 1924 in Lima, Peru; poet; novelist; artist who did installation art, performance art, and figurative art; author of poetry (Habitaciòn en Roma) and novels (El cuerpo de Giulia-no and Primera muerte de María); known for his performance art Scultura sotterranea) http://www.jorgeeielson.org/english-biography.html http://www.jorgeeielson.org/jorge-eielson.html
Centro Studi Jorge Eielson (Florence, Italy) website, June 14, 2021: (Jorge Eielson; born April 13, 1924 in Lima, Peru; died March 8, 2006 in Milan; moved to Geneva, Switzerland (1950) and Rome, Italy (1951) as well as New York City, Paris, and other cities in Italy including Milan (from the late 1970s until his death in 2006); author of works of poetry (Sin título (Valencia, 2000), Celebración (Lima, 2001), De materia verbalis (México, 2002), Nudos (Tenerife, 2002), Del absoluto amor y otros poemas sin título (Valencia, 2005) and Noche oscura del cuerpo (1983)) and novels (El cuerpo de Giulia-no (1971)) https://www.centroeielson.com/biografia/
Biblioteca Nacional del Perú database, June 14, 2021: (heading: Eielson, Jorge Eduardo, 1924-2006; author of several works including El cuerpo de Giulia-no) http://info.bnp.gob.pe/cgi-bin/abnopac/O8537/IDb829a6c4?ACC=133&NAUT=19186&SAUT=Eielson,+Jorge+Eduardo,+1924-2006