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  • Eder, Rita

Eder, Rita (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Eder, Rita

Dadá, 1977 (a.e.) t.p. (Rita Eder)

Desafío a la estabilidad, 2014: title page (Rita Eder) page 596 (born in Ciudad de México; art historian and researcher at Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, UNAM; professor of art history at UNAM)

IIE, UNAM, www, 23 september, 2019 (PhD Art History of the UNAM. In October 1975, she entered the Institute of Aesthetic Research of the UNAM of which she was director from 1990 to 1998. From 2005 to 2007 she served as coordinator of the postgraduate program in the History of Art at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UNAM.)

Rita Eder is PhD Art History of the UNAM. Main lines of research: Art history and Social theory of art. Some of his books are: Narraciones: Pequeñas historias y grandes relatos en la pintura de Antonio Ruiz (1935-1949), 2017; Genealogías del arte contemporáneo en México. 1952-1967, 2016 and the work Desafío a la estabilidad. Procesos artísticos en México 1952-1967, 2014. Among the most important distinctions he has received are the "Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz" in 2006 and the Award Universidad Nacional in the area of Arts Research in 2013, UNAM. In 2016 he obtained The Edmundo O'Gorman Scholarship, awarded by Columbia University (New York) and ILAS (Institute of Latin American Studies) and in December 2017 was elected as a member of the Academy of Arts.