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  • Rojas Sosa, Odette María

Rojas Sosa, Odette María (Nombre personal)

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  • Sosa, Odette María Rojas

40 años, 40 voces, junio 2016: t.p. (Odette María Rojas Sosa)

Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales, 40 años de historia, junio de 2016: jacket (Odette María Rojas Sosa; born in México, Distrito Federal, 1985; licentiate in history from Univ. Iberoamericana; master's and doctorate in history from Univ. Nac. Aut. de México; currently a member of the Seminario "Historia Sociocultural de la Transgresión" (Inst. de Investigaciones Históricas-UNAM); her works have centered on judicial process and punishment in the Antiguo Regimen (18th century), as well as on the relationships among alcohol consumption, violence, crime and poverty (first half of 20th century))