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  • Rodríguez Ortiz, Roxana

Rodríguez Ortiz, Roxana (Nombre personal)

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  • Ortiz, Roxana Rodríguez
  • Rodríguez O., R. (Roxana Rodríguez Ortiz)

Cultura e identidad en la región fronteriza México-Estados Unidos, 2013: t.p. (Roxana Rodríguez Ortiz)

Tensiones y porosidades, 2020: t.p. (Roxana Rodríguez Ortiz) p. 36, etc. (bib. ref.: Rodríguez O., R.; lists publications by her in Spanish and French; born in Mexico City, Oct. 19, 1974; licentiate in business administration from Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México; master's and doctorate in literary theory and comparative lit. from Univ. Aut. de Barcelona; self-taught philosopher; has written three books on the Mexico-U.S. border, in which she developed the epistemological model of the border that enabled her to carry out comparative studies on other borders; prof.-researcher, Academia de Filosofía e Historia de las Ideas, and founder and coordinator of the Grupo de Investigación Estudios Fronterizos, at UACM)